מידע כללי על הקורס
קורס זה נכתב ופותח במיוחד לאנשי סיסטם ואנשי תמיכה ומיועד לכל מי שבתחום ומחפשים להתמקצע בו יותר ולהשחיז את ידיעותיהם.
בקורס נלמד וניגע בנושאים רבים ומגוונים מכל עולמות הIT – אשר הינם חלק בלתי נפרד מעבודת הSystem Administrator ומנהלי תמיכה, ובמהלכו נעבור ונרכוש כלים שבהם נוכל להעזר במהלך עבודתנו.
At course completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Plan an Office 365 deployment, configure the Office 365 tenant, and plan a pilot deployment.
- Manage Office 365 users, groups, and licenses, and configure delegated administration.
- Plan and configure client connectivity to Office 365.
- Plan and configure directory synchronization between Microsoft Azure AD and on-premises AD DS.
- Plan and implement the Office 365 ProPlus deployment.
- Plan and manage Microsoft Exchange Online recipients and permissions.
Before attending this course, students must have:
- A minimum of two years of experience administering the Windows Server operating system, including Windows Server 2012 or later.
- A minimum of one year of experience working with AD DS.
- A minimum of one year of experience working with name resolution, including DNS.
- Experience working with certificates, including public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates.
- Experience working with Windows PowerShell.
- Experience working with Exchange Server 2013 or later, Lync Server 2013 or Skype for Business Server 2015, and SharePoint Server 2013 or later is beneficial, but not required.
Audience profile
This course is intended for IT professionals who are responsible for planning, configuring, and managing an Office 365 environment. Students who attend this course are expected to have a fairly broad understanding of several on-premises technologies such as Domain Name System (DNS) and Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). In addition, they should have a general understanding of Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Lync Server or Skype for Business Server, and Microsoft SharePoint Server.